2 boxes of flour prepared for pineapple cake
6 pcs eggs
1 cup of oil
2 cups of pineapple juice
2 bars unsalted butter
2 cups of brown sugar
2 cans of sliced pineapple
1 jar of Marrascan cherries
- We heat the butter and add the sugar, until it forms a caramel.
- To the molds for cakes we’re going to put a little oil with a paper towel, to prevent them from sticking.
- Then add a spoonful of the caramel to each compartment.
- Style the pineapple and reserve the juice to prepare the cake mix. Split each slice into 8 parts and place 3 particles in each little mold. Then split each cherry in two and put one half in each mold.
- Preheat the oven to 350° F. Now here we go with the cake mix: following the instructions on the package. Empty in a mold the flour from the 2 boxes, add the 6 eggs, 2 cups of pineapple juice and 1 cup of oil. With the hand mixer, it stirs perfectly.
- Add this mixture to every little mold. Fill them up to a third half.
- Take to preheated oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Do the chopsticks test.
- Take it out and after about 10 minutes, it dismantles. Don’t leave them any longer, because they would stick to the mold.