This is what it means if you find a “bleach” spot on your  underwear

A “bleach” spot on your underwear—where the fabric appears lighter or discolored—can be caused by a few things:

  1. Vaginal Discharge – Normal vaginal discharge is slightly acidic (pH 3.5–4.5), and over time, it can cause fabric discoloration, especially in darker underwear. This is completely natural and common.
  2. Detergents or Bleach Residue – If you’ve washed your underwear with strong detergents, bleach, or stain removers, leftover residue might cause spots.
  3. Sweat or Body Oils – Sweat, combined with natural body oils and bacteria, can sometimes cause fabric to fade or change color.
  4. Chemical Exposure – If you’ve used creams, lotions, or hygiene products containing peroxide (like acne treatments or vaginal washes), they can have a bleaching effect.

If the discoloration is due to normal discharge, it’s harmless. Switching to cotton underwear and washing with gentle detergent can help minimize it.